Welcome to the Hurlburt Field Retiree Activities Office. This information is intended for all retired military personnel of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard served by this RAO.
The RAO is an advisory function manned by volunteers. It is a focal point for providing information and guidance to military retirees of all services -- more than 53,000 in Northwest Florida -- their family members and/or survivors.
The RAO is located at 212 Lukasik Street, Suite 143, Hurlburt Field, Fla. 32544-5269. (1st Special Operations Wing headquarters, building 90210 near the personnel customer service office.) Hours are normally Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. For information concerning retirees, call 884-5443, email 1SOFSS.RAO@us.af.mil, or visit us at Retiree Corner | Hurlburt Field FSS (myhurlburt.com). |