HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- The Hurlburt Field Voting Assistance Office is here to help you exercise the very right you protect -- your right to vote! We can help you register to vote, request an absentee ballot and notify your local election officials back home of a change of address. The information below is provided for you as you get ready to transition and are thinking of what you must do before and after you make that change in assignment or go on your deployment or separate/retire.
· Federal Post Card Application (FPCA): The FPCA can be used to register to vote while simultaneously requesting an absentee ballot. It can also be used to submit a change of address to your local election officials. You can now go online to and use the FPCA Online Assistant that will help you register, request your absentee ballot and/or change your address while providing you with all of your state-specific information and requirements to vote!
· Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB): The FWAB can be used as a backup in case you have already registered to vote or sent in an FPCA to both register and request your absentee ballot, but you have not yet received your absentee ballot from your State. Like the FPCA, you can go online to fill in the FWAB at and use the FWAB Online Assistant that will help you to vote in Federal elections, even filling in your candidate choices based on your State of residence!
· Both the FPCA and FWAB Online Assistant will provide you with a filled in form. All you have to do is print, sign and date it, and return it to your election official via the directions provided (some States allow you to fax, and/or e-mail your signed form if you "PDF" and scan it to your computer).
· National Mail Voter Registration Form (NVRF): If you are separating/retiring, you'll need to advise your local election official (LEO) that you will no longer be considered a military voter. The NVRF can then be used to notify your LEO of your address change.
Your Voter Assistance Office can help you fill in and mail off your voting materials if you need the assistance. Please contact us at or via our IVA Office telephone number, DSN 579-5441, or commercial 850-884-5441. For more information, visit the federal website at