AFCEC conducts pilot test of sustainment management system at Hurlburt Field

  • Published
  • By Susan Lawson
  • AFCEC Public Affairs
Personnel from the utilities branch of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Operations Directorate and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Engineer Research Laboratory, or CERL, recently conducted the first pilot test of the UTILITIES sustainment management system, or U.SMS, at Hurlburt Field, Florida.

The Air Force invested $3.65 million into the development of the U.SMS which will serve as the software architectural framework for a new modern enterprise SMS planned to capture asset conditions over time and enable data-backed asset management decisions.

A team from CERL led the effort to test the functionality of the software architecture for water and electrical modules currently under development. The team provided initial software training to civil engineers at Hurlburt, then gave them an opportunity to operate the software and provide feedback on its functionality.

AFCEC personnel participated as students and observers to evaluate the testing and U.SMS training materials, and collect installation user feedback to support further software updates which will incorporate waste water, storm, gas and thermal (steam and chilled water) utility systems.

During the visit, the team toured three interest areas: a main sewage lift station, the advanced waste water treatment plant and the primary electrical substation.

Hurlburt engineers also provided candid and constructive feedback for CERLs ongoing efforts to produce utilities geographic information systems maps, integrate linear segmentation data and develop an interface with TRIRIGA work management software to streamline the data management.

TRIRIGA is the NexGenIT software which modernizes the civil engineer career field’s approach to managing CE processes. Engineers at the base also presented the CERL team with an update on their TRIRIGA implementation efforts.

“The engineers at Hurlburt are good partners in the U.SMS development,” said Joe Worrell, AFCEC U.SMS manager. “We are moving in the right direction but we still have a lot of work ahead of us. The personnel are part of the development team involved and, overall, they seem excited about the new software coming out.”

Hurlburt Field was selected as the test location because it was the first base to have linear segmentation completed for all utility systems as part of AFCEC’s linear segmentation contract and migration of base maps to the new Air Force map standards. Linear segmentation is the process and implementation of breaking utility systems into discrete pieces and identifying them to allow accurate inventory, condition assessment, and assignment of resources to support asset management execution. The pilot testing helped support CERL data collection efforts for new wastewater and storm water modules of the U.SMS program.

“Hurlburt Field is pleased to partner with AFCEC and CERL for the grass roots development of the UTILITIES SMS,” said Lt. Col. Kevin Brown, civil engineer operations flight commander at Hurlburt. “It is important to leverage both base-level and AFCEC expertise to create an installation management tool that supports the full spectrum of base operations and enterprise management needs. I could not be happier how this visit went and, of course, engineers continue to lead the way.”