CE Squadron set to receive NextGen IT/TRIRIGA upgrade Published June 13, 2016 By Staff Sgt. Katherine Holt 1st Special Operations Wing Public Affairs HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- The 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron is one of the first CE units to move toward the TRIRIGA system replacing their 25-year-old legacy systems by Nov. 7. TRIRIGA will transform the way CE does business and will affect more than 500 facility managers on base.“TRIRIGA is going to enable next generation civil engineer IT capabilities, improve data transparency, and support fast, more agile decision making,” said Tech. Sgt. Ishmael Jordan, the NCO in charge of operations management with the 1st SOCES. “It will replace legacy IT systems like the Interim Work Information Management System, or IWIMS, and the Automated Civil Engineer System, or ACES, modules for real property, project, housing and financial management.”The updated system brings major changes. For example, once the new system is in place, facility managers will no longer call in their service requests. They will log on to a portal and put in a service request, similar to a communication trouble ticket. The request will then be forwarded to the Requirements and Optimization section, formerly known as customer service. The Requirements and Optimization section will assign the service request a priority and forward to the respective section to resolve the request. Additionally, facility managers will have the ability to see the status of their service requests through their portal. This capability will relieve nearly 10 calls a day from customers seeking the status of current service requests. Furthermore, TRIRIGA will provide live feedback, a quicker turn around, the ability to upload supporting documents and photographs, and remove the need for facility managers to submit hard copies of any supporting documentation.However, facility managers aren’t the only beneficiaries of TRIRIGA. “In the legacy system, it would take us almost 30 minutes to generate a report,” Jordan said. “With a click of a button in the new system, we will have a generated report.”Currently in the pre-deployment stages, the 1st SOCES is working to get everyone trained and ready for their Nov. 7 go-live date. As with the implementation of any new system, there will be a period of limited service until the new system is fully functional. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center has planned for a two-week brown-out period where the 1 SOCESst will only have the ability to accept priority one or emergency service requests. That date has yet to be set, but facility managers should look for notices to come from 1st SOCES.Facility managers will be required to complete classroom and web-based training sessions to become familiar with the new IT system. The first facility manager training is set for June 30 from 9-11 a.m. in the King Auditorium.For more information, contact the 1st SOCES Requirements and Optimization section at 884-6683