Opportunity knocks: Hurlburt Field tax team needs you Published Nov. 18, 2011 By Tech. Sgt. Brian Meeker 1st Special Operations Wing Staff Judge Advocate HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- Colder temperatures, leaves falling to your lawn, and your favorite football team descending to the bottom of the standings--winter traditions that indicate that it is time to break out the sweatshirt, start planning Super Bowl parties, and prepare to file your federal and state income taxes. If that last item caught your attention, then you may be just the Hurlburt hero that our community has been looking for. Each year, through an Internal Revenue Service program called Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Department of Defense I.D. card holders around the world are offered free income tax advice, preparation, and electronic filing at their local military base. Hurlburt Field is a proud partner in that tradition, providing tax assistance to more than 2,100 people and saving over $470,000 in tax preparation and filing fees last year alone. The secret to this success is much like the words ukulele, umbrella, and uniform--they all begin with "U". If you have been looking for just the right opportunity to put your skills and talents on display, serving as a VITA representative could be the perfect chance for you to shine. The Hurlburt Field tax team is looking for between 60-70 motivated Hulburt heroes to make the 2011 tax season a reality. Not only will the IRS provide individualized personal training, there will be online education materials, chat room tutors, and extensive written resources for you to rely upon. Whether you are a brand new Hulburt hero who has never served as a VITA representative or you are the VITA rep that knows more about taxes than I do about my kids (I do have three, right?), the Commando Family needs you and the expertise you either have or will acquire through training and practice. Not only will you be providing an invaluable service to your friends, neighbors and fellow Airmen, you also will be acquiring skills and experience that can be greatly beneficial in a professional setting. Now that your winter traditions have been expanded to include VITA training and Hurlburt hero duty, it is time to grab a pumpkin spice latté, cheer for whoever is playing against the teams you hate, and contact Tech Sgt. Brian Meeker, the 'Titan of Taxes' (otherwise known as NCOIC, Tax Center) at (850) 884-1799 or via e-mail at Brian.Meeker@Hurlburt.AF.Mil for the dates and registration process of the IRS training. Think of it this way--Hurlburt heroes don't have to rake up leaves do they?