It's your duty to report suspicious contacts

HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- The responsiblity to report suspicious individuals in which you come in contact falls on each and every individual that lives and works on Hurlburt Field.

Air Force Instruction 71-101v4 outlines what is reportable:

· Personal contact with an individual (regardless of nationality) who suggests that a foreign intelligence or any terrorist organization may have targeted them or others for possible intelligence exploitation 

· A request by anyone (regardless of nationality) for illegal or unauthorized access to classified or unclassified controlled information 

· Contact with a known or suspected intelligence officer to include attaches from any country 

· Contact for any reason, other than for official duties, with a foreign diplomatic establishment, whether in the US or abroad 

· Activities related to planned, attempted, actual, or suspected espionage, terrorism, unauthorized technology transfer, sabotage, sedition, subversion, spying treason, or other unlawful intelligence activities targeted against the Department of the Air Force, other US facilities, organizations, or US citizens 

· Information indicating military members, civilian employees or Department of Defense contractors have contemplated, attempted, or effected the deliberate compromise or unauthorized release of classified or unclassified controlled information 

· Unauthorized intrusion into US automated information systems, whether classified or unclassified; unauthorized transmissions of classified or unclassified controlled information without regard to medium, destination, or origin 

· Unauthorized attempts to bypass automated information systems security device or functions, unauthorized requests for passwords, or unauthorized installation of modems or other devices into automated information systems (including telephone systems) whether classified or unclassified 

DoD, Air Force or contractor personnel who fail to report information required by this
instruction may be subject to judicial and/or administrative action under applicable law and instructions, including the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 801-949, and other applicable sections of the United States Code.

Help us protect you! Report all suspicious contacts, no matter how innocent in nature they may seem to your local AFOSI Counterintelligence Branch at 884-6102.