Sergeant completes week one of weight war Published Jan. 18, 2008 By Tech. Sgt. Sheri Kangas 1st SOW Public Affairs HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- Well the first week of my war against weight went fairly well. I did a good job of sticking to my diet and doing my normal squadron physical training. Overall, I think it was a good week. That is, until I attended my weight loss support group Jan. 14 at the Health and Wellness Center. I jumped on the scale, and low and behold, I had only lost a couple of ounces. Yep, ounces, not pounds. At this rate, I might lose a whole pound by Memorial Day! Seriously though, I know I can do better than that. Sure, I don't have a metabolism and just thinking about having my favorite candy bar makes me gain a pound or two, but let's be real, a couple of ounces? I see people on "The Biggest Loser" weighing in at 15 pounds less than the week before. Now that's what I'm talking about. I just want to lose 20 pounds total. What do I have to do to lose 15 pounds in one week? Alright, I know that's not realistic, so I'll settle for two pounds a week. I just hope by the end of the seven weeks that I've lost the weight and a few inches, not centimeters. Amanda Cox, our WLSG instructor has us writing down everything we eat still. We are allotted 1,600 calories a day. That sounds like so much, but when you start writing down the things you have eaten, it goes quick. I've managed to stay under it though, so I'm feeling pretty good. As far as exercising goes though, I still need to ramp it up. Besides my squadron PT three days a week, I will be going to classes at the Riptide Fitness Center Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think the first class I'm going to attend is called cardio sculpt. Sounds kind of intimidating to me, but I'm game. Now comes the challenge. I'm on leave next week and will be going to Biloxi, Miss., for a couple of days. So, my exercise will come in the form of walking around the casino trying to find a lucky machine. I don't think I'll overeat though because my friend and I don't really like to waste time eating, or sleeping for that matter, when we are in Biloxi. So maybe it won't be too bad after all. I also learned I really need to work on changing the way I think about food. For example, instead of telling myself I can't have something, like my favorite candy bar, I will tell myself I can have anything I want. I just have to remember that all the excess calories are going to attach themselves to some place on my body where I don't want them. Maybe then, I will think about eating something more nutritious and use those calories wisely. If you have any good tips or mind tricks for weight loss, please let me know. You can call me at 884-7526 or e-mail me at Now, if you are on a weight-loss program, I hope you did well this week and continue to do well. I know it's not easy, but that's okay, it's worth it. I'll see you in a couple weeks. In the mean time, do a couple of extra push ups for me, please.