1st SOW takes on new Aim Points

  • Published
  • By Col. Brad Webb
  • 1st SOW commander
Air Commandos, what a fantastic first two months I've had as your wing commander! 

I've had the pleasure of witnessing your impressive professionalism first hand now and it continues to be an honor leading such a skilled team executing specialized airpower missions throughout the world. 

Under my predecessor, the 1st SOW followed a road map to mission success aptly named the 1st SOW Aim Points. Similarly, I've laid out my plan for the wing's continued success in defending our country. 

My Aim Points are: 

Fly, Fight and Win 

Lead & Develop Airmen to Shape our Future Air Force 

Forge Wingmen, Strong Families & Air Commando Culture 

Fly, Fight and Win: This is what we do! So far in 2007 alone, the 1st SOW has flown 55,000 combat hours and 1,700 1 SOW personnel have been deployed to 18 different locations. One-third of the wing is continuously committed to the deployment cycle at any given point in time, and make no mistake; we Air Commandos are the absolute tip of the spear shaping success in the Global War on Terrorism. 

Lead & Develop Airmen to Shape our Future Air Force: The first job of a leader (at any level) is to build the next generation of leaders. Air Commandos instill and hone leadership skills in our Airmen beginning Day one (ask any Commando Pride Airman's Course graduate!). Team Hurlburt leads the way with many education and training programs: Airman Leadership School, civilian universities which offer college degrees on base, Joint Special Operation University and the USAF Special Operations School, and command and control doctrinal courses offered by the 505th Command and Control Wing to name but a few. In addition, we Airmen and Air Commandos face an ever-changing service and major command. 

We'll be committed to leading our Airmen through AFSC mergers, force shaping initiatives, global positioning challenges and new weapon system growth with dignity and tenacity. 

Forge Wingmen, Strong Families & Air Commando Culture: Strong support at home and among ourselves is a hallmark trait of an Air Commando. The 1st SOW has numerous programs in place to assist our Team Hurlburt families. 

Whether it's the expanding Child Development Center or the Hearts Apart and Heartlink programs offered by the Airman and Family Readiness Center (to only scratch the surface of programs available!), we will take care of our families. Additionally, we will take care of each other. 

Living life at the tip of the spear induces stressors in some and can generate an elevated risk-assumption lifestyle in others. We must all adopt as second-nature the habit of being our brother's keeper...depression, alcohol and drug abuse and outright risky behavior (either on or off duty) can be curbed by good Wingmen! Research shows we have certain key attributes as Air Commandos. 

They're what make us the incredibly successful warriors we are. We must acknowledge these, leverage them in our everyday lives and inculcate them in all our new Air Commandos. 

Internalize these Aim Points as I am confident they will serve us well in our conduct of safe and successful mission accomplishment all while taking care of ourselves, our families and our wing. 

Keep up the incredible work, Air Commandos!