Every Airman an Ambassador: SECAF addresses Airmen responsibilities; encourages becoming successful global partners, role models Published Feb. 16, 2007 By Michael Wynne Secretary to the Air Force WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Delivering sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America, as well as her global interests, and winning the Global War on Terrorism are our Air Force's most fundamental objectives. We provide the air, space and cyberspace capabilities necessary for joint and coalition forces to execute decisively, interdependently and dominantly in every engagement. Our Air Force is unequaled in its ability to do so for one reason: the passion, talents and ingenuity of you, our matchless Airmen! Yet one of our most remarkable skills remains largely untapped and unrefined. I am referring to your service as ambassadors in blue, both around the world and in our communities here at home. Your actions, behavior and words, both on and off duty, have a great impact on your host nation's or local community's perception of America and our Air Force. But these areas are not the only components of the "Every Airman an Ambassador" mindset we need to enhance. Presently, more than 200,000 of our Airmen carry out missions on a daily basis for combatant commanders around the world; of these, more than 60,000 of you are stationed forward and more than 26,000 are deployed, working hand-in-glove with our international partners. We are truly a globally engaged force. More than ever, we depend on our allied Airmen to succeed, and they depend on us. We must fly and fight as one. We teach, we partner, we learn - and in building friendships, we build trust. America's security today and in the future depends on building successful international partnerships, one Airman at a time. Likewise, we must capitalize on your talent as ambassadors to your communities here at home. As I related in the August 2006 Letter to Airmen, Every Airman a Communicator, sharing the Air Force message is not just for our senior leaders and public affairs representatives. I encourage Airmen to engage your communities and their leaders with your personal stories of service, to share your views on the unique capabilities our Air Force brings to the fight and to articulate what we need to keep that force strong and vital. One message, many voices; it is essential we communicate our role in fighting the Global War on Terrorism in addition to the global vigilance, reach and power the Air Force provides the nation across the strategic commons of air, space and cyberspace. As your secretary, I am committed to boosting your regional, cultural and language skills to make you a more capable ambassador so you can help build lasting long-term relationships with our allies and coalition partners. At the same time, I want you to unleash your talents here at home so you can tell the greater Air Force story, share your personal Air Force story and serve as an example in your local community. With every Airman as an ambassador, America and its Air Force will shine as the protector of the beacon of freedom that is our nation!