Airmen Against Drunk Driving - Used or Abused? Published Dec. 15, 2006 By Airmen Against Drunk Driving 1st SOW HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- Airmen Against Drunk Driving (AADD) has saved hundreds of lives. The volunteers that make this program work have selflessly dedicated their own personal time and resources to ensure the safety of our Airmen and their families. They haven't just saved our Airmen, they have saved others on the road whose lives would have been endangered. AADD is there when we need them, but sometimes they are abused. AADD is supposed to be a safety net when a plan for a designated driver fails. But, some fail to plan a designated driver. Some fail to have money for a cab, which I find concerning since they usually have money for drinks. AADD isn't a free ride just to save money for a cab. Our volunteers dedicate their own resources--their own gas, as well as wear and tear on their vehicles. They deserve to be thanked when used and should never be abused. Responsible adults need to have a plan and every Airman should be a responsible adult. AADD donates resources to save lives, not money. With the holiday season upon us, please ensure you and those around you are responsible. Life is too precious to risk If you must, use AADD. They answer the calls any time, especially when those who have not acted so responsibly are also on the roads. Please have a plan and maybe even a backup plan. And if you have to use AADD, use them when the plan falls through, not as part of the original plan. Also, if you use them, please thank them for their sacrifices to preserve lives that are so precious.