AFSOC commander addresses Airmen Published Dec. 1, 2006 By Lt. Gen. Michael Wooley AFSOC commander HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- I extend a very special thank you to all the personnel on Hurlburt Field for your efforts and hard work in preparing for the Air Force 60th Anniversary Commemoration. The entire event was executed with the precision and professionalism that have always been a hallmark of Air Commandos. All of you should take great pride in making this historic event a total success. I know hundreds of people around this base had a part in the preparations for this day. Some, like our honor guard and Airmen in formation, played a very visible part. So many like those who prepared Freedom Hangar and the Airpark had unseen but, equally important roles in contributing to the overall success of the event. These events--the arrival of the CV-22 Osprey and the unfurling of the 1st Special Operations Wing flag -- mark an exciting era of transition for Air Force Special Operations Command. We are focusing on the future, and the CV-22 will dramatically improve our ability to conduct special operations and combat this nation's enemies. At the same time, we have a heralded past, and recreating the 1st SOW recognizes the foundation of what we are today. We honor that heritage and have made it part of our future. While the sites and sounds around Hurlburt Field are forever changing, one constant is the excellence and dedication of the men and women of AFSOC. You are the heart of this command. I thank you for your service and am extremely proud to be your commander. The Air Force 60th Anniversary Commemoration was a historic milestone -- one which each of you made happen.