319th Special Operations Squadron
319th Special Operations Squadron emblem significance
Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations.
Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel.
The dragon represents valiant defender, valor and protection.
The horse is symbolic of the unit's readiness for all employments.
The stylized globe symbolizes the squadron's area of operation being global in nature.
The 319th Special Operations Squadron (SOS) mission is to provide intra-theater support for special operations forces. To accomplish the mission, they use the U-28A, a variation of the Pilatus PC-12. The aircraft has a crew of two, but can be flown by one pilot. The plane was selected for its versatile performance and ability to operate from short and unimproved runway surfaces. It's certified to land on dirt and grass strips, and is equipped with weather radar and a suite of advanced communications and navigation gear.