
Fly, Fight, Win...Read?

A sign for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List is displayed at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. The CSAF reading list is released every year and features books that give Airmen perspective on the Air Force and the mission. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

A sign for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List is displayed at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. The CSAF reading list is released every year and features books that give Airmen perspective on the Air Force and the mission. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

Capt. Jeffrey Larkin, a clinical dentist with the 1st Special Operations Dental Squadron, grabs Catch 22 from a shelf at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. Catch 22 is a historical fiction novel by Joseph Heller, a former B-25 bombardier. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

Capt. Jeffrey Larkin, a clinical dentist with the 1st Special Operations Dental Squadron, grabs Catch 22 from a shelf at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. Catch 22 is a historical fiction novel by Joseph Heller, a former B-25 bombardier. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

Capt. Jeffrey Larkin, a clinical dentist with the 1st Special Operations Dental Squadron, thumbs through Catch 22 at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. Catch 22 is featured on the 2012 Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

Capt. Jeffrey Larkin, a clinical dentist with the 1st Special Operations Dental Squadron, thumbs through Catch 22 at the Commando Library at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 12, 2012. Catch 22 is featured on the 2012 Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Hayden K. Hyatt)

HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- When was the last time you read a book that changed your perspective, helped your career, or resonated with you? The Chief of Staff of the Air Force has put together a reading list that Hurlburt Field Airmen agree does just that.

The CSAF reading list is so important that Lily Woods, a librarian at Hurlburt Field, makes sure that every new Airmen to the base is exposed to it.

"I feel that it is important for all airmen [regardless of] rank to read the list," said Woods. "When I do Commando Pride Airmen Course I take them specifically to our CSAF Reading list section and introduce them to it."

With the advent of technology, reading the CSAF reading list is easier than ever. Woods points out that airmen who can't afford to purchase the books can always stop by the library, or access them online free at www.commandolibrary.com.

Deployed Airmen can also access the list from anywhere in the world.

"There are different formats," Woods said. "The books we have are also on CD and online through downloadable PDFs."

In today's world of internet, movies and television, the impact of information can sometimes be lost. But with the written word things tend to stay with you longer.

"You can listen to the news for five minutes and then its done and over with but if you read a book for 10 or 15 hours it really stays with you," said Woods, "It makes you realize and be aware of what's really going on nationally and internationally."

Capt. Jeffrey Larkin, a clinical dentist from the 1st Special Operations Dental Squadron, feels the books offer everyone a sense of perspective on just what it means to be an Airman. Larkin recently read Catch 22, and now is in the middle of Unbroken, two choices from the list.

"There is always something to be said for situational awareness and knowing history too," said Larkin.

For those who haven't started the list, Larkin has a recommendation.

"Start with something fun like Fighter Pilot," Larkin said, "If you're new to Air Force, find something fun to read to get hooked and then maybe move on to the more serious, historical stuff."