Firework Safety: Declare independence from accidents Published June 26, 2012 By 1st Special Operations Wing Safety Office HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- July 4th is one of the biggest holidays of the year. Independence Day honors the birth of the United States of America and the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It's a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks and a great reason to celebrate being an American. But don't let misplaced enthusiasm ruin your celebration with careless use of fireworks. The following tips about fireworks and shows can help you and your family avoid injury and have a great Fourth of July. Fireworks - Use common sense! Alcohol and fireworks - DO NOT MIX! Only use outdoors Never try to re-light malfunctioning fireworks Always have water on hand (A hose or bucket) Don't wear loose clothing while using fireworks Wear gloves and eye protection No one under 12 years of age should handle fireworks - and then only supervised Always keep an eye on children around fireworks Do not alter or combine any fireworks- use only as intended Always read the directions and warning labels; if a device is not marked with contents, directions and a warning label - DO NOT USE! Never experiment with, modify or make your own fireworks Obey local laws - illegal if it flies or explodes Never point or throw at people or animals Never carry fireworks in your pocket Stand several feet away from lit fireworks If possible, only light fireworks on a concrete surface If a device doesn't go off, don't stand over it to investigate; put it out with water and dispose of it. Fireworks shows Be aware of increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic Be cautious to other drivers or pedestrians Be cautious for people that may have been drinking Be prepared and bring chairs or blankets; plenty of water to drink; sunscreen for daytime and bug repellent for nighttime. By following these tips, you and your family can have a happy and safe Independence Day celebration. For more information, contact the 1st Special Operations Wing Safety office at 884-7615.