If it's not being used, don't abuse

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Sarah Martinez
  • 1st Special Operations Wing Public Affairs
Do you like playing the radio at work?

Do you like working under appropriate overhead lighting?

Do you enjoy using the air conditioner when the temperature is 90 degrees outside?

Hurlburt Field's electricity is precious; helping conserve it can guarantee these luxuries stay in place.

"Energy conservation is a vital element of our national strategy to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources," expressed Col. Michael Plehn, former 1st Special Operations Wing commander, in the new Facility Energy Management Policy. "Individually we each can do things to save a small amount of energy, which collectively will add up to a large improvement."

The policy contains new implementation actions that will take effect near the end of July. The mandatory actions will help ensure Hurlburt Field's population conserves energy and aids the wing in meeting its legislated energy intensity reduction goals.

A certain amount of electricity is allotted for Hurlburt Field's daily activities, and according to recent numbers, Hurlburt is coming close to exceeding the maximum amount.

In addition to the energy intensity goals, Hurlburt has an aging electrical infrastructure. A new substation is one of the projects designed to modernize this infrastructure. The existing substation is nearing capacity.

"Hurlburt Field is operating at a critical threshold for the one operational substation that we have on base," said Marc Barrett, 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron Resource Efficiency Manager. "Significant infrastructure growth on base combined with the high temperatures anticipated through the summer will drive [the heating ventilation and air conditioning] system energy demands that could bring our base substation to a point of failure. Everyone should avoid unnecessary energy demands placed on the power grid to minimize the potential for a power failure."

Fortunately, there are actions Hurlburt Airmen can take now to help reduce the amount of energy they use and keep the base from complete grid failure.

There are several ways a unit or individual can save energy either at work or at home.
  • Set your thermostat at 76 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
  • Keep windows and doors shut.
  • Close blinds to reflect solar heat.
  • Turn off lights and unplug equipment when not in use.
  • Unplug coffee pots and chilled water coolers after 11:00 a.m. each day.
  • Consolidate refrigerators and turn in empty units.
  • Unplug TVs that don't directly support an ongoing operation.
  • Turn off computers and peripherals at unoccupied work stations.
"Remember, even a little bit goes a long way," said Mr. Christopher Hood, Hurlburt Field energy manager. "Leaving just a bathroom light on by mistake all night hurts the base, which can and will affect the entire community if not stopped."

For a copy of the Facility Energy Management Policy Letter, or more information on ways your unit can save energy, contact your unit facility manager or the 1st SOCES at 850-884-6683.