Hurlburt spouses give back to the community

HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- They're your mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, teachers, nurses and neighbors.

They're strong, selfless, patient, loving and brave.

The members of the Hurlburt Field Spouses' Club sometimes bear the greatest sacrifice when their spouses are tasked to deployments and TDYs for months, or even up to a year, at a time. Despite this hardship, they still find time to volunteer to help better the lives of other military members, dependents and spouses.

"The HSC strives to create a productive and welcoming organization that supports military families," said Teri Hoffman, HSC president. "We do this through volunteer opportunities, social engagements and club participation."

The HSC is open to spouses of any individuals assigned to Hurlburt Field. Currently, the club has about 125 members but they are always looking for new spouses to join.

"When you move into a new area, you don't know anyone," said Julie Miller, HSC 2nd vice president and member at large. "Here is an instant group of friends to hang out with and do things with."

The members of the HSC volunteer their time to help different agencies like the Air Force Enlisted Village, a retirement home for enlisted Airmen, and the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society. They also hold different fundraisers to raise money, which goes directly back to the base community's facilities like the education center and library.

Raising money for annual scholarships for Hurlburt dependents and other spouses is a favorite amongst the HSC members. One of the club's main sources of income for the scholarships is the Hurlburt Thrift shop, which the members maintain and operate. The HSC encourages local programs or units to contact them if they need help; the club takes pride in making sure funds generated benefit the entire community.

According to Mrs. Miller, many school scholarships go to kids who have been in the same school for years, but military kids move from base to base and switch schools often, so the HSC scholarships are geared towards those dependents. Additionally, the HSC provides scholarships to spouses who want to go back to school.

Whether they're volunteering to play games with the Teresa Village residents, fundraising to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Fund or socializing to connect with another spouse, the members of the HSC do it all.

"The club is relaxing and welcoming to new members," said Elizabeth DuBe, HSC member. "You may show up not knowing a single soul, and leave with everyone's names."