
  • 1 SOMXS Airmen perform routine paint jobs

    Airmen, assigned to the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Squadron aircraft structural maintenance, perform routine paint jobs on aircraft panels and equipment at Hurlburt Field, Florida, Jan. 25, 2024. The panels are sprayed with gray paint to protect them from corrosion and match the aircraft’s

  • 1 SOMXS Airmen stay mission ready

    Airmen from the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Squadron perform their daily duties at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Feb. 15, 2023.

  • 1st SOMXS Airmen maintain aerospace ground equipment

    Air Commandos assigned to the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Squadron inspect and maintain aerospace ground equipment at Hurlburt Field. AGE specialists play a vital role in ensuring Team Hurlburt’s aircraft are ready for flight by maintaining and repairing equipment that supplies electricity,

  • 1 SOMXS maintains AFSOC’s legacy C-130 engines

    Aerospace propulsion craftsmen with the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Squadron, conduct an engine run in the 1st SOMXS engine test cell at Hurlburt Field, Florida, Aug. 28, 2020. The 1st SOMXS engine test cell is AFSOC’s only active-duty component for servicing legacy C-130 aircraft engines and

  • 1 SOMXS Airmen prevent corrosion

    Airman 1st Class Taylor Hill, an aircraft structural maintenance journeyman with the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Squadron, puts on a full-face respirator mask before painting an engine kit at Hurlburt Field, Fla., June 29, 2016. Corrosion specialist wear these masks to protect themselves from