
  • 1st SOLRS ensures smooth operations

    U.S. Air Force Airmen assigned to the 1st Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron, construct pallets at Hurlburt Field, Florida, Aug. 19, 2024. The 1st SOLRS is responsible for the centralized command and control, planning and execution of all wing deployment operations and the distribution

  • 1st SOLRS ground transportation moves the mission

    Ground transportation specialists transport people, supplies, munitions and outsized expeditionary forces to assist the mission, ensuring mission essential delivery to special operations and conventional forces throughout the globe.

  • Fuels distribution runs a clean operation

    If a 3,000-pound car carries about 18 gallons of gas, imagine what a 76,000-pound C-130 would require. The 1st Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron petroleum oils lubricants flight ensures the fuel destined for Air Commandos is stored, inspected and transported safely to accomplish the

  • EC-130J broadcasts FARP capability with PC-12

    Air Commandos with the 1st Special Operations Logistic Readiness Squadron conduct a forward area refueling point operation at Hurlburt Field, Fla., June 13. During the operation, a Pilatus PC-12 assigned to the 319th Special Operations Squadron received fuel from an EC-130J Commando Solo assigned to

  • Hurlburt brings Space-A to Air Commandos

    After three months of planning and execution by the 1st Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron air transportation team, the first Space-A flight departed Hurlburt Field for Las Vegas, Nevada, April 8.The Space Available Travel program allows Department of Defense members and their families

  • 15th SOS ensures Talon II’s global vigilance

    Aircrew with the 15th Special Operations Squadron perform pre-flight checks and load pallets onto an MC-130 Combat Talon II here, April 7. Pre-flight inspections are done to check for any issues that may interfere with the flight mission and ensure aircraft are ready to execute operations. The

  • Raptors roar for FARPs readiness

    Forward area refueling point Airmen with the 1st Special Operations Logistic Readiness Squadron conduct a FARP operation at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Feb. 26, 2017. The FARP program is a United States Special Operations Command initiative that trains petroleum, oils and lubrication Airmen to perform