Chaplain's office

The 1st Special Operations Wing Chaplain Corps serves to enhance spiritual readiness, and to guard the Constitutional right of Hurlburt Field Airmen, their families and other  authorized personnel to the free exercise of religion. This is accomplished through providing pastoral care, conducting religious rites and education and advising leadership on issues related to core values, spirituality, ethics, morals, and morale and religious accommodation.


Worship Services:

Protestant Worship Service: Sundays at 1100
Catholic Mass: Sundays at 0900 & 1600. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1130-1200.

Norse Nights: Last Wednesday of the month 1700

Please call (850) 884-7795 for more information.


Confidential Pastoral Counseling

Chaplains are available for pastoral counseling regardless of your religious views. All counseling is conducted with 100% confidentiality. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment in order to avoid waiting, but walk-in appointments are available during duty hours.

Please call (850) 884-7795 to make an appointment.

Emergency Care

Chaplains are available after duty hours to provide emergency pastoral care. If you require help, please call the Command Post at (850) 884-8100, and request the Duty Chaplain.
