T-28 Trojan The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan, in 1948, won the competition for the next generation pilot training aircraft. It became the first all-new, post World War II trainer. However, plans to utilize it for both basic and advanced training had to be changed when it became apparent the speed and power of the T-28s challenged new cadets too soon. Modifications to North American's pre-World War II T-6 Texan, with its smaller engine, served Air Force needs for basic training through the Korean War. A T-28A had a wingspan of 40 feet, 1 inch; an overall length of 32 feet; and an overall height of 12 feet 8 inches. The 800-horsepower piston engine provided a maximum speed of almost 300 mph; a cruising speed of 191 mph; a ferry range of 1,056 miles; a rate of climb of 31.2 feet per second; and a service ceiling of 24,200 feet. The T-28As weighed in at 5,107 pounds empty and 7,462 pounds fully loaded. The Xt-28 prototype first flew Sept. 26, 1949, and until 1953, North American built 1,193 T-28As plus other T-28 models. Air Commando T-28 usage began with the reactivation of the force in 1961 when eight were assigned to Hurlburt Field. They were modified to carry .50 caliber machine guns, 2.75-inch rockets and a small quantity of bombs. In November 1061, T-28s deployed with the FARMGATE detachment for South Vietnamese air force training and for combat. The aircraft were also used by another Hurlburt Detachment in 1962, BOLD VENTURE, in executing training and humanitarian missions in Panama. During a typical week of FARMGATE activity in March 1963, the T-28s flew 90 sorties and expended ordnance on 58 of them, which resulted in confirmed claims of nine boats destroyed and seven damaged. When the T-28 training mission ended at Hurlburt Field, assigned aircraft, such as the AT-28D in the Air Park, filled exercise and squadron training needs until retired. T-28A TROJAN TAIL #49-1663 HISTORY This particular aircraft was delivered to the Air Force on January 2, 1951, and served at Williams, Norton, Lowry, and Sheppard Air Force Bases in Arizona, California, Colorado and Texas respectively as well as Hurlburt before its dedication on June 9, 1973. The dedication took place in conjunction with a base open house, attended by Mrs. Donald W. Hurlburt, widow of the officer for whom the base is named.