Thoughts from above Hurlburt Field Published Feb. 25, 2009 By Senior Airman Anthony Lincoln 1st Special Operations Component Maintenance Squadron HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- As I awoke from sleep on a Monday morning it was cold and dark; the sun barely projected its rays across the horizon as I stared through the window. I didn't want to get up. A few seconds later, something said to me "Airman, it's time to go to work." Man, I was tired. As I drove to work I kept planning and visualizing in my mind what the day would hold, when all of a sudden an image came to mind. It was an image of me and a coworker flying over Hurlburt Field one early morning at 2,500 ft eastbound to Eglin on a tour flight. After receiving clearance, I asked my passenger to photograph our track as we flew over the base. One of the images was captivating, not like all the other photos I've taken before, but was of purpose; a purpose every Air Commando here on base should strive for and relish. I saw a place that worked harder than any other wing, maintenance group, logistics group, support group or medical group in the Air Force. I saw a place where careers began and ended. Hurlburt Field, a place where families reside and seek comfort; a place where young Airmen seek knowledge and where senior leaders and commanders guide. It was a place that I could put my mind and body to use. Though those were my thoughts from above, they weren't as significant as the thoughts and actions of those below working toward the mission on Hurlburt. My thoughts were just from a different perspective; a perspective that every Airman feels or may have felt at some time or another. We may come from different backgrounds, demographics, religions, and states, but we all share a common stake in the success of the mission. No matter if you hit a big bump in your career, you can succeed. If you are going through stresses at the job or within your family you can get through it. No matter how stressful or how much you dread dealing with the every day business of your occupation, I hope you would just think about this view from above. Flying overhead, looking at the base with a new perspective, I saw that we each have the choice to make a positive impact on the lives of our coworkers and the mission. Always remembers to take care of your family at home and at work, be and have a Wingman and never forget that actions could have a lasting impact on your career and family. I'm glad that I had a Wingman on this particular flight that brought me this image from above.