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  • 4th Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

    MissionThe 4th Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron’s mission is to provide safe, reliable aircraft today and a lethal fleet into the far future… any time, any place through special mission aircraft. 4 SOAMXS is responsible for maintenance on the AC-130J Ghostrider Gunships. The squadron

  • 4th Special Operations Squadron

    MissionLocated at Hurlburt Field, Florida, the 4th Special Operations Squadron (4 SOS) currently employs the Block 30 AC-130J, the newest iteration of gunship fielded in the United States Air Force.  Home to an impressive service record, the 4 SOS holds the distinction not only as the oldest

  • 505th Command and Control Wing

    The 505th Command and Control Wing (CCW) is the U.S Air Force’s only wing dedicated to operational-level command and control. The wing is made up of a diverse group of Airmen, civilians and contractors who work on many different tasks, but are all dedicated to taking testing, tactics, and training

  • 556th Red Horse Squadron

    Mission The 556th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer (RED HORSE) Squadron, located at Hurlburt Field, Fla., is one of 15 RED HORSE Squadrons within Air Combat Command, Pacific Air Forces Command, Air Force Reserve Command, and the National Guard. The 556th RED HORSE

  • 65th Special Operations Squadron

    The 65th Special Operations Squadron is an Air Force Special Operations unit based at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Although it is geographically connected to its host unit, the 1st Special Operations Group, it is geographically separated from the MQ-9 Reaper Remotely Piloted Aircraft it

  • 720th Operations Support Squadron

    MissionThe squadron supports all phases of the 720th Special Tactics Group mission. Personnel provide worldwide combat control, pararescue, special operations weather and support expertise to a group staff, one Combat Weather and eight Special Tactics (ST) squadrons. The unit is responsible for ST

  • 720th Special Tactics Group

    Mission The 720th Special Tactics Group is an integral part of the Air Force Special Operations Command and is home-based at Hurlburt Field, Fla. The group is comprised of more than 800 Special Operations Combat Control, Pararescue, Combat Weather and support personnel. The 720th STG organizes,


    The 823d RED HORSE Squadron, or Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer, is assigned to the Air Combat Command and is an associate unit on Hurlburt Field. This squadron is one of only four active-duty units of its kind in the Air Force. The RED HORSE squadron is highly

  • 8th Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

    MissionThe 8 Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron’s mission is to sustain and generate combat ready aircraft to support AFSOC priorities through Airmen Development, Process Improvement and Mission Execution. The 8 SOAMXS is responsible for performing maintenance on the MC-130J Talon III

  • 8th Special Operations Squadron

    MissionThe 8th Special Operations Squadron (8th SOS) is one of nine flying squadrons in the 1st Special Operations Wing, at Hurlburt Field, FL.The primary mission of the 8th SOS is to provide rapid global response supporting long-range infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of Special Operations

  • 901st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

    MissionThe 901st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron's mission is to organize, train, and equip Airmen to perform high-quality aircraft maintenance in order to provide safe and mission-effective aircraft supporting home-station and contingency taskings. The unit supports training and

  • 9th Special Operations Squadron

    The 9th Special Operations Squadron (SOS) located at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., is one of nine flying squadrons within the 1st Special Operations Wing. The squadron flies MC-130P Combat Shadow aircraft. The mission of the 9th SOS is the clandestine penetration of enemy territory using low-level

  • A-1E Skyraider

    The A-1 Skyraider originated as a carrier-based torpedo and dive bomber. As the XBT2D-1, it first flew March 18, 1945, and deliveries as the AD-1 to the Navy began in November 1946. In 1962 the Skyraider became the A-1. The Skyraider was the first single-seat torpedo/dive bomber to serve with the

  • A-26 Counter Invader

    The Douglas XA-26 prototype first flew July 10, 1942, and the company began delivering the production model A-26B in August 1943. Douglas Invaders began arriving in England in September 1944 for assignment to the 9th Air Force and entered combat two months later on Nov. 19. Invaders appeared in the

  • AC-119 Shadow

    Fairchild Corporation concentrated on building small aircraft until World War II when the Army wanted a specialized troop and cargo carrier. The company recommended a high-wing, twin-boom design with a large capacity nacelle suspended under the wing between the booms for the crew, passengers and