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  • AC-130A Spectre

    The AC-130 Spectre gunship in the Air Park is an AC-130A model named the "Ultimate End." The A-model gunship was the first AC-130 model. The aircraft is 97 feet 9 inches long and 38 feet 3 inches tall. It has a wingspan of 132 feet 7 inches and a wing area of 1,745 sq. feet. Initially, the C-130 had

  • AC-130H Gunship

    Mission The AC-130H gunship's primary missions were close air support, air interdiction and force protection. Missions included troops in contact, convoy escort and urban operations. Air interdiction missions were conducted against pre-planned targets or targets of opportunity. Force protection

  • AC-130J Ghostrider

    The AC-130J Ghostrider's primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and armed reconnaissance. Close air support missions include troops in contact, convoy escort and point air defense. Air interdiction missions are conducted against pre-planned targets or targets of opportunity and

  • AC-130U Spooky

    The AC-130U “Spooky” gunships’ primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and armed reconnaissance. Close air support missions include troops in contact, convoy escort and point air defense. Air interdiction missions are conducted against preplanned targets or targets of opportunity

  • AC-130W Stinger II

    The AC-130W Stinger II primary missions are close air support and air interdiction. Close air support missions include troops in contact, convoy escort and point air defense. Air interdiction missions are conducted against preplanned targets or targets of opportunity and include strike coordination

  • AC-47 Spooky

    The C-47 Skytrain, Gooney Bird or Dakota, regardless of its nickname, was quite probably the most successful aircraft ever developed. Approximately 13,000 C-47 variants were produced including more than 2,000 built in foreign countries under license. At one time the DC-3 or C-47 was in service in

  • Air Commandos

    We are America’s Air CommandosWe are Air Commandos, quiet professionals, Airmen personally committed to our craft. As the air component of U.S. Special Operations Command, we are capable and ready to conduct special operations anytime, anyplace. We are disciplined professionals dedicated to

  • Air Force Special Operations Command

    Air Force Special Operations Command was established May 22, 1990, with headquarters at Hurlburt Field, Florida. AFSOC is one of 10 major Air Force commands and the Air Force component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.

  • Airman's Creed

    The Airman's Creed I am an American Airman. I am a warrior. I have answered my nation's call. I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight, and win. I am faithful to a proud heritage, A tradition of honor, And a legacy of valor. I am an American Airman, Guardian of freedom and justice, My

  • B-25J Mitchell

    The North American B-25 was named after Billy Mitchell, the American General who advocated greater airpower in the armed forces. A production B-25 took its maiden flight Aug. 19, 1940. It was powered by two Wright R-2600-9 Cyclone engines which delivered a total of 3,400 horsepower. The aircraft's

  • Birth of the Air Commandos

    General Henry H. (Hap) Arnold coined the term "Air Commando" in early 1944. This term referred to a group of Air Corps personnel established in India to support British long-range penetration forces in Burma. Its lineage began with the highly secret Project 9, the organizing and recruiting stages in

  • C-123K Provider

    The Chase Aircraft G-20 cargo glider evolved through stages into the C-123 Provider. From the G-20, Chase developed into the XC-123 in 1949 with a 67-troop capacity and the SC-123A in 1951. The XC-123A with four J-47 turbojet engines first flew April 21, 1951, as the first all-jet Air Force cargo

  • C-145A Skytruck

    The C-145A’s primary role is to enable CAA special air mobility Airmen to conduct U.S. Special Operations Command’s Aviation Foreign Internal Defense and Aviation Security Cooperation missions. AFSOC’s CAAs are tasked to assess, train, advise and assist foreign aviation forces in airpower

  • C-146A Wolfhound

    The C-146A Wolfhound’s primary mission is to provide U.S. Special Operations Command flexible and responsive operational movement of small teams and cargo in support of Theater Special Operations Commands. Airlift missions are conducted by Air Force Special Operations Command aircrews to prepared

  • C-46 Commando

    The Curtis-Wright Corporation C-46 was developed form the original XC-55 design of 1936. The first flight took place March 26, 1940, and by the time of first delivery to the Army Air Force in 1942, it had been named the C-46 Commando. Ultimately, more than 3,000 C-46s were built and the aircraft